Welcome to the website for the City of Fresno Professional Employees Association (CFPEA). Members In Good Standing are welcome to register for a new account. Please allow a few business days to verify your Member In Good Standing status. If you do not receive a reply after a few business days have passed, please email [email protected]. Thank you for visiting.
The primary purposes of the City of Fresno Professional Employees Association, Inc is to represent its members in all matters relating to employment relations with the City of Fresno but not limited to the negotiation of wages, hours and working conditions; to bind its members in a closer bond of fraternity for mutual protection; to aid each other in distress, in accident and death; to promote and improve social interaction and welfare between members thereof; and to do any and all acts necessary and expeditiously for the administration of any and all of the purposes for which it is organized.
The general purpose of the CFPEA Political Action Committee (PAC) is to support and further the goals and policies of the Association. The specific purposes are:
a. To support political candidates and positions on ballot measures endorsed by the Association.
b. To contribute funds as approved by the Executive Board to political candidates and positions on ballot measures endorsed by the Association.
c. To further the common good and general welfare of the residents by promoting improvements in and educating the citizens at large about public employees.
d. To promote the welfare of our active and retired members.
e. To encourage the improvement on benefits, compensation, working conditions, and retirement status of our active and retired members.
f. To withhold support of candidates and/or issues and positions on ballot measures if deemed to be in the best interests of the Association.
Membership in this Association shall be open to the management non-confidential and non-management confidential employees of the City of Fresno. Membership will not be withheld on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, disability, or for any other improper reason.
The annual dues for all members shall be THREE HUNDRED NINETY DOLLARS ($390.00), payable FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15) each pay period. The Executive Board shall be authorized to levy upon all members an assessment for special or emergency purposes provided authority such action has been granted by a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting of all members called for the purpose of considering an assessment.
To be considered a “member in good standing,” a member must have paid all dues and shall cooperate and assist the Association in obtaining the objectives for which the Association exists.
Only members in good standing shall be entitled to all benefits and privileges of membership in the Association.